Mrs. Daugherty's Fifth-Grade Class Blog

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Back to School! August 16, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — mrsdaughertysclass @ 11:06 am

WOW!!!  You are in fifth-grade now!  How does it feel to be at the top of elementary school?  What are you worried about as you go through this upcoming year?  How will you manage your time, especially with homework?  Do you have a goal for yourself for this year and if so, what is it?  You will need to write 6-8 sentences in answer to this topic.  You will also need to respond the posts of your fellow students!!!!!


93 Responses to “Back to School!”

  1. lucyomg Says:

    hey mrs d.
    i miss you sooooooooooooooooo0ooooo much!! 6th grade is sooooo much diffrent that 5th!! The HW is crazy!!! For instance i have had at least 2 quizes every day this week! Having a locker is soooo fun! we get loads more freedom which rocks!! the play this year is willy wonka and im an umpa lumpa_ i probably spelled that wrong! Good luck this year Ill try to comment soon!Better go study for science and history! BYE

  2. aknewall Says:

    O my gosh! First Mrs. D is this ok for me to be checking out your page and occasionally posting? If not this will be the last. Middle school is so awesome! When I was in 5th grade being at the top was awesome. People looked up to you so it was important that your behavior and attitude was good. Homework in the ?begininning? is a lot but after a couple of weeks you will get used to what takes the longest, what is the hardest, and of course the easiest. Mrs. D is an amazing teacher! Ahead of you is a great year and I wish every single one of you the best of luck. Fifth grade will be awesome and I can’t wait to hear how it’s going. Before I leave, a couple of tips don’t use the word things, but, it, or something. I think. O I forgot my goal in fifth grade. I wanted to master how long hw took, what was the hardest, and the easiest. Remember teachers are here to help you, don’t ever forget what Mrs. D and Mrs. Williams are there for!
    ~Anna Kate
    Former 5th grader.

  3. Abby Says:

    Hey. Its abby. For those who dont know me and are thinking “who is this wacky stalker” I am a 6th grader. I was in Mrs Daugherty AWESOME class last year. I know there are so many rumors saying that 5th is awful but those people didnt have mrs daugherty! I ll be trying to keep up with the blog so if u have any questions Im always here.

  4. sorohanjosie Says:

    Hey Mrs. Daugherty!! I miss your class sooo much!!!

  5. happytapper321 Says:

    I think it’s really cool to be at the top of lower school!!! I have to admit I am kind of worried about the homework. I know I will have to be responsible with homework and everything else in 5th grade. That would be my goal, to be really responsible. I am going to have to really spend my time wisely when I get home from school on Monday and Wednesday. Those are the days I have dance. I get home at 9 o’clock and finish my homework as soon as possible! Even though I have a couple of concerns I know 5th grade will be pretty fun!

  6. sebbower Says:

    Hi Mrs.Daugherty. Why aren’t any of your students posting?

    • mrsdaughertysclass Says:

      Sebastian – we just got the blog up and running this week! You should start to see posts tonight – it is their homework!

      Mrs. D

  7. arianacm Says:

    It feels like you always have expectations from all of the teachers to be an example. I am worried that I will not be able to finish my homework. Do my homework first and quikly but effectively. Trying to make it through 5th grade also to be more organized with my desk and binder. My desk is never neat and I don’t no why. I also don’t want to be very late because somtimes we have a lot of morning work.

  8. softballlover5 Says:

    I feel like the king of the world in 5th grade! I still have to be an example for the youngsters though:). 5th grade teachers have a lot of rules and expectations too! By the end of 5th grade I want to be very organized and work at a good pace for homework, morning work, and classwork. I also want to become a GREAT reader. I hope 5th grade will be as great as all the other years in lower school. I am looking forward to a great and awesome year in 5th grade.

  9. awesomekk Says:

    My goal this year is to get straight A’s on my report card. also I want to type correctly even though i am not good at it. I hope this year will be a great and successful year. It is pretty cool being at the top of the school. I don’t love the homework but I bet 5th grade will be a great year! I hope my goals will come true. I love being in Mrs. Daugherty’s 5th grade class!

  10. cheergirl318 Says:

    I think it feels awesome that I or we are at the top of elementary school, I remember last year how cool I thought the 5th grader were, well now I am one of those cool 5th graders. I am worried about s.s and science not my best subjects but I think I will do pretty well. I will manage my time by trying to get my homework done by the amout of time that you give list us on our agenda board for us. I have one goal for myself and that is to not get any agenda marks for the rest of the year or for at least for a while.

    • mrsdaughertysclass Says:

      I love your goal, but I also don’t want you to get upset if for some reason you do get an agenda mark! One isn’t a big deal and don’t let that crush your spirit! Don’t worry about science and SS we will get through those subjects and I will help you! Let me know anytime you have a question!

      Mrs. D

    • happytapper321 Says:

      Kendall I think we have the same struggles with s.s and science!! 😦 I am not the brightest when it comes to those things(Laugh). I thought the fifth graders were all that too.

  11. nagachess Says:

    I think that it’s awesome to be at the top of elementary school because the little kids look up to the 5th graders. I must say that I am worried about getting bad grades on my work, but I know that God will help me. I’m going to try to use those RARE homework times in class and not dilly-dally when I do my work. My goals for 5th grade are to get good grades on my report card, make new friends, enjoy my old friends, and to learn new things every day. I also hope to do well in my chess competitions. This year is definitely going to be a blast!

    • mrsdaughertysclass Says:

      Yes, Christine, I think this year will be a blast! Please keep us updated on your chess competitions! I want to know whenever you have a match and I want to know the outcome!

  12. lilwaffle Says:

    I think its going to be awesome to be able to set an example for the whole school. I have been stressed these past few weeks but, when you have an awesome teacher like mrs. Daugherty to talk to you will feel so much better. I am strugaling a little bit with morning work and staying in at recess but if I use my time wisly i can be done with morning work actually start working on my challengs folder. My goal this year is to have people in lower grades trying to be like me if i set an example for them. Also im having a real hard time trying not to yawn and cover it up she still sees it !

  13. marbearcorser7 Says:

    My goals are to make strait A’s, yawn a lot, and have fun! I can’t wait for the overnight I just hope there will be no bear sightings! I don’t want any bear sightings because the last time there was a bear sighting we had to leave early.I also heard there was a ton of homework but, my brother was complaning to much over 50 min. I’m so glad we’re at the top of lower school now because we’ve got more responsibility and we can boss around little kids ( I’m just kidding.) I will manage my time with homework with having less activities this year.

  14. awesome2000 Says:

    It feels great to be the top of the totem pole!What I’m worried late work mrs Daugherty you know I’ve “NEVER” lost anything.I also have trouble with morning work and yawning are both probs,but, I’m sure with mrs. Daugherty’s and my spiecal powers can combine and take over my problems!!!

    • mrsdaughertysclass Says:


      I am certain that you will be able to get yourself organizer! I like the visual of being at the top of the totem pole!

      Mrs. D

  15. gracie3456 Says:

    So far I am doing pretty well managing my homework. Sometimes I don’t finish my morning work on time. My goal this year is to do the best I can. I want to do the best I’ve ever done because this is my last year of lower school. It still feels pretty great to be at the top, but I don’t want to leave next year. I won’t get to see my other teachers as much any more, so I should enjoy lower school while it lasts.

    • mrsdaughertysclass Says:


      What an awesome post! You should enjoy all the fun and privileges you have in lower school while you are here, before you think about moving on to middle school!

      Mrs. D

    • jphe123 Says:

      I know how you feel!! Since Middle School is in a different building next year, we won’t be able to see our fifth grade teachers as often. I am getting better at managing my homework, as well.

  16. The Captain Says:

    Hi Mrs. Daugherty, this is my first time I’m blogging. It feels good being in fifth-grade, it’s like were kings and queens. I am very nervous about the homework this year!! I will try to manage my time with homework by using a schedule. It is very hard with three nights of football from 5:30 to 8:30. My goal is to try to get use to the new school. It is working out great so far. I hope I can survive fifth-grade.

    • mrsdaughertysclass Says:


      You are doing an excellent job! I know it is tough with Football, we have the same issue in my house with my son! You have adjusted beautifully at KR and we are so glad you are here. I am glad you have setup a homework schedule I think that will help you a lot!

      Mrs. D

      • The Captain Says:

        Thanks Mrs. D. I hope you enjoyed your days off, have a good weekend!

        • cbass6297 Says:

          John I know exactly how you feel with homework and all all your sports. I play baseball so I have a tight schedule too. All you need to do is have a time limit like 3:30 to 4:30 and if you still can’t finish your homework just do it after football. See ya Monday and have a good weekend.

          • mrsdaughertysclass Says:

            That is GREAT advice, Sebastian! However, hopefully you are finishing everything in that time frame. How are you doing? Are you getting everything done in one hour?

            • nagachess Says:

              I agree with you Sebastian. What I do is that I always take a short break so that I don’t work, work, work! I also set goals and reward myself with a treat when I complete my work. This motivates me when I do my work.

  17. tylergerding Says:

    I’m very excited about 5th grade and I think it will be fun to be an influence on all the younger students. Sometimes in class I wonder about what 6th grade will be like. Sometimes I think of some questions about 6th grade like, “Will 6th grade be hard for me?”, and things like that. I like to manage my time by always getting my homework done first. I also make sure that in school I finish any work that needs to be done before anything else. My goal this year is to make A’s on all my subjects. Another goal is that I want to make sure that I have the best school year EVER!

  18. cbass6297 Says:

    I can’t believe that I’m finally in fifth grade. This year is going to be awesome.We get to be kings’ of the school. My main goal is to get straight A’s on my report card, that would be great. Even if there is a lot of home work I can still manage to finish all my home work and still play baseball, but sometimes I have to do my homework after baseball. I still know I’m going to have fun in 5th grade especially with Mrs. Daugherty.

    • blkbwls Says:

      I can’t believe that we’re in fifth grade either!! It will definitely be a challenge to to get straight A’s on your report card but I think you can do anything you set your mind to. You’re goals are great!

  19. blkbwls Says:

    It feels AWESOOOOOME to finally be a fifth grader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was worried about making friends this year. I was also wondering who I would have for a homeroom teacher. I am trying to manage my time at home and especially at school because so far I don’t think I have done such a great job with that. 😦 My goal for this year is to not get in trouble and to make lots of friends. I know I will have a ton of fun with Mrs. Daugherty!!!

    • mrsdaughertysclass Says:


      I know you can accomplish your goals and you are making great progress in time management, so don’t let that get you down! We are going to have a lot of fun!!!!

      Mrs. D

  20. mattkozak89 Says:

    HI Mrs. Daugherty my goal this year is to have lots of friends this year. My other goal is to make A’s and B’s.I’m going to manage my homework very well. I love being at the top of elementary school. I’m worried about my grades. I hope this is the best year of school ever.

  21. jphe123 Says:

    It feels good to think that I will be in Middle School for my sixth grade year. At my old school, sixth grade was still part of elementary school. This school is very different, so I worry about keeping up with the change of pace. Sometimes I start my homework on the way home from school, and I finish it up when I get home. My goal for the year is to try to be more organized. Since this is my first year of Spanish, I hope to become more fluent in conversational Spanish.

  22. It is great to finally have reached the top of the Lower School. I have a lot of friends in grades below me too. It has been fun watching them go to each new grade. Next year I will be in Middle School with my sister. I am looking forward to that. My goals for this year are to be better organized and try to make myself get homework done on time. It is hard to manage what is due and still go to football. Basketball will not have as many practices. Mrs. Daugherty is keeping things fun for us with her chicken dance!

  23. laserdog700 Says:

    I love 5th grade! I like how you get to have more freedom than the lower grades. Also I like how we get awesome teachers like Mrs. Daugherty! My goal this year is to get good grades. I am not worried about anything. I think I can easily manage homework. I am very happy to see the smaller kids advance. GO FIFTH GRADE!!!!

  24. abby Says:

    wow! you guys post a lot! sounds like your having fun though.

  25. Morgan Says:

    Dear Mrs.Daughetry and class,
    I am also in 5th grade but I am in Bangkok,Thailand. To answer the question on your post is kind of hard. It is amazing and also things that can not be explained in words.
    Please visit me at

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